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The Rowland Group develops products to enhance the productivity of your Intergraph SmartPlant Review users.

Plant Pilot
Plant Pilot Product Description

Plant Pilot is a full-featured add-on for SmartPlant Review. It both simplifies and enhances your 3D model reviews. Even casual users will easily navigate to the areas or items they are interested in, save comments, and share those comments with your team. In addition, you will enjoy advanced capabilities, such as linking to external data sources, generating reports, batch exporting 3D PDF files, and much more.

Data Pilot
Data Pilot

Data Pilot makes the data in your complex 3D models accessible to your users, in a familiar, easy-to-use, spreadsheet-like format. You can create filterable, fit-for-purpose views of the data that users can use to find items in the model, color-code the model to communicate different scenarios, or generate Excel reports using custom templates.

Iso Pilot
Iso Pilot

Iso Pilot supercharges your piping iso review and documentation processes. Your iso checkers can very quickly highlight and focus on the piping parts associated with any iso drawing in SmartPlant Review. In addition, you can enable your construction crews to visualize iso's in the plant by creating 2D PDF documents that combine your fully detailed iso drawing with color-coded images from the model; or portable, 3D PDF documents, perfect for viewing in the field on a mobile device.

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